Wednesday, August 26, 2015

U.S. Senator Explains Why Middle Class Needs to Struggle

Good 'ol boy and long-time incumbent U.S. Senator William "Bud" Childress of Oklahoma raises money at a lavish fundraiser in Georgetown but gets questioned on the U.S. economy by his grandson's friend Kyle as they watch "The Doolittle's"...

"Trickle Down - How the 99% Fought Back and Won" Pg. 63

"That's Kyle Senator."
"Lyle, I can spend the next two-plus hours explaining the economics of the whole situation. I can give you pie charts and pie graphs and bar codes and the whole proverbial kit and caboodle, but it all boils down to the undeniable and inexplicable fact that American entrepreneurs cannot in any way, shape or form compete in or on the world stage with the likes of Red China, Russia, Cuba and Canada if wages are too high here in the US of A! And you can blame the unions for that. Workers are just makin' too damn much here. Do I make myself clear?"

"But with all due respect wouldn't the nation as a whole be better off if regular working folks made more money?"
"And whose pockets would that extra money come from son? It sure ain't comin' from mine I can assure you that." His exclamation point came in the form of a long honk into his handkerchief. The teens played along nodding in agreement. "Look, I got some money matters to tend to so I trust y'all will march in line with Private Gomer and company." 

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